Is the desk phone dead?

I recently read a blog article entitled “The Phone Is Dead”. It was written by a friend of mine who I respect a lot. (Read the article here.)There is a lot of truth in what he says but I am afraid that I have to respectfully disagree with the concept. I must say that the old girl is on her last legs and fading fast but that condition is mostly caused by the industries decision to go in exactly the wrong direction. To those of us who have spent most of our lives in the phone business , watching us shoot ourselves in the foot comes as no big surprise……we do it all the time!

So what is killing the desk phone? Some might say that the cell phone is the culprit. Replacing landlines in business with cell phones sounds like the perfect idea……there are just a couple of issues to work out……. what’s the cell phone number of accounts receivable? Who’s cell phone do I call to order HBO? Cell phones are designed for one person to communicate directly with one other person. It’s a very PERSONAL communications tool. Calling someone at home is a personal ONE TO ONE kind of communication so its easy to see why cell phones are quickly replacing the HOME PHONE.It’s not designed for groups of people to share calls and collaborate. Businesses need this……you don’t need this at home. Having watched a few companies try to go “all cellphone” and fail miserably , I can safely say that the cellphone has a strong alibi for the death of the desk phone.

Email is another thing that has been fingered in the desk phone homicide case. This is really interesting to me since I also hear that email is on its way out and being replaced by text and chat. (I wonder if its just really cool to declare things that we use all the time as being dead?) Its true that email has replaced traditional or snail mail in many cases but can it replace the telephone? Think about this shared experience everybody has had….you are emailing someone and trying to explain something. You have been going back and forth for a while trying to work out some details but you are stuck on some point. Finally one of you picks up the phone and calls the other one….the hour long impasse is resolved in a two minute conversation. We have all experienced this situation. Email is good…..but it’s not THAT GOOD!

The biggest problem with the desk phone is the new generation of VOIP phones that are based on the traditional PBX model. Phone systems traditionally come in two flavors…. PBX ( Private Branch Exchange ) and something called a key system or squared. Here’s the difference….a traditional PBX is based on the concept that you have one person who answers all the calls and transfers them to the extension of the person the call is for. Later we added Voice Mail and something called Interactive Voice Response (the press 1 for this and 2 for that thing) or IVR ( IVRs don’t really respond to your voice so this is a misnomer). Sometimes called an Auto Attendant , this really clever addition got overused by some companies in their zeal to eliminate the receptionist. This led to the creation of what came to be called “Voice Mail Hell” where you can’t ever seem to talk to a real person anywhere at anytime EVER. How many times have you have called a company ,got frustrated with the Auto Attendant and hit “0 for the operator”?

The key system is mostly found in smaller companies with five or six lines and less than 50 employees. The concept is simple , all the lines are visible on all the phones and each one can be answered on any phone. All the extensions are visible on every phone set so that anyone can see who is on the phone. ( Obviously if you have 50 lines and 200 extensions each telephone set would be the size of a Buick but for 6 lines and ten phones it works pretty well) You can then put the answered line on hold and tell the person who the call is for to “pick up line 1” or if they are out of the office or on the phone ,take a message or send them to the appropriate voicemail. You can even say “Joe is on the phone, can someone else help you?”( I know that actually talking to someone and trying to assist them is a revolutionary concept but please stay with me here.) A key system also allows you to put the phone call on hold , move to another station and pick the call back up very easily. Basically every phone is an operator console. This allows the very necessary function of answering and routing calls to be done from ANY station in the building.

Since most new VOIP phone systems are built on the PBX model…..they can’t really do key system functionality. For some small businesses that don’t have a central receptionist and everyone basically answers the phone….A PBX can be a real problem requiring a complete change in how they answer the telephone. I have watched businesses totally revamp how the organization uses the phone…….it’s usually painful and expensive. Many times in these situations you hear the phrase “Can we just go back to what we had ?”

The main reason that, to paraphrase Mark Twain “ The reports of the death of the phone are greatly exaggerated” is the current wave of consumer demand for better customer service. Savvy businesses have recognized that what their customers want is a more personalized experience. Particularly when they have a problem with your product or service. When the cable is out or the dryer quits working, everybody really wants to push more buttons or type more information in a chat box right?……….WRONG! They want a live person ON THE PHONE to fix the problem.

So what is the answer here? Cell phones and email can’t really get the job done alone but they should play a part in your overall communications strategy. The real promise of the new technology available today is the ability to bring all the communications tools at your disposal together and leverage everything so that you have the best possible solution. Forward thinking business communications companies can do that. Carriers like AT&T or single silo equipment manufacturers and vendors can’t really do that for you. If you look at the what the REAL job of these types of companies is….it’s easy to see why they can’t deliver that total integrated solution that you really need. Carriers sell lines and bandwidth. Manufacturers and equipment vendors sell THEIR equipment. A business communications companies job is to provide a great solution customized for each customer. They work for you. If they are smart , the only agenda they have is making the client happy.

The technology available for business communications today is amazing. Businesses have more options than ever before. The trick is finding a partner whose job is to take the best of what is available and combine it into the best solution for you.

The Wednesday Surprise.

“Patch Tuesday” is the unofficial term the Microsoft world uses for the security releases that Microsoft sends out via Microsoft Update or Automatic Update, typically on the second and sometimes fourth Tuesday nights of the month .” Patch Tuesday” is often followed by “Exploit Wednesday”. Many exploitation events are seen shortly after the release of a patch.This is because analysis of the patch helps exploitation developers to immediately exploit the previously unknown underlying vulnerability. The vulnerability is then used on unpatched systems. Hence the term “Exploit Wednesday” was coined.
The main things to remember about “Patch Tuesday”: are:

  1. Since the Tuesday updates are the accumulation of all the past security updates from the previous fifteen to thirty days, keeping things up to date is even more important. This includes your anti-virus and malware protection. Until the update happens, they are all you’ve got!
  2. DON’t TURN OFF AUTOMATIC UPDATES! Though sometimes imperfect , it’s all we’ve got to protect us.
  3. Don’t power off your machine when you are through using it. The best time to update anti-virus software is in the middle of the night. Updates can be disruptive to your work so let them happen when you aren’t trying to work.
  4. Sometimes Microsoft requires a reboot to complete an update. NEVER turn off or reboot while updates are being processed. The machine tells you this during the process but people who are in a hurry to do something still disregard the warning. Turning the machine off and back on in the middle of an update will cause you to not be able to work (or update Facebook) and usually results in a service call. (Here we go talking ourselves out of money again!)
  5. Sometimes there are unintended consequences from updates. Occasionally, they cause hangups , slow performance and even worse problems. Call your favorite IT person (205-588-4065) if you experience issues after an update.
    Although Microsoft started “Patch Tuesday” to save money on operational costs, the system works pretty well and keeps us well protected IF YOU FOLLOW THESE FEW COMMON SENSE SUGGESTIONS.

Have You Seen This?

A little Windows icon has probably popped up on your tool bar. (See picture.) What does it mean? What should I do about it? In the famous words of “The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy” …”DON’T PANIC! “ (sorry we didn’t have the big friendly letters font on our computer.) Here is our take on what has happened and why. As avid Microsoft Watchers for many years , we have watched the “operating system polka” with great interest and occasionally with amusement or dread. This is one of those amusement times. The last iteration of the Windows operating system called 8 has pretty much been a bust. Everybody hates it. (Yes I know , there are some people out there who love it….these are the same people whose last computer ran Millennium. Frankly if I went from Millennium to ANYTHING ELSE I would love it too.) Normally when Microsoft puts out something with issues (almost everything they put out) they release a version upgrade to fix it for example 98 and 98SE or XP and SP2 (service pack). When they put out one that everybody hates they just go to the next one. Some examples of this were Millennium straight to XP, Vista straight to Windows 7. (there was a service pack for Vista but it didn’t get much play.) Hence Windows 8 straight to Windows 10 (notice no 9…we guess they are trying to put at least one digit of distance between 8 and 10) Besides being one of the greatest killers of PC sales in history and almost single handedly the greatest boon to Apple sales in the last decade, 8 just didn’t work very well. It was based on a flawed concept…everybody wants to work with a touch screen PC or tablet….all the time.

W10_Laptop_AUX_Clock-01-500x281So what do you do with the icon? Our advice….CLICK IT! All you will be doing is reserving your FREE copy of Windows 10…yes we said free!! This gives you some idea of the scope of the complaints and the heat that the PC makers were putting on Microsoft…Microsoft NEVER gives anything free…EVER. Wait a minute you say…..why would the PC manufacturers be putting heat on Microsoft? If all the new PCs have a crappy operating system that everybody hates , what happens to PC sales? They slow way down (spell that S-T-O-P). So in an unprecedented move , Microsoft is going to give you Windows 10. So that you will go ahead and buy that new pc…… Microsoft is also giving it to Windows 7 users also. In a blog post today, Terry Myerson, executive vice president of Microsoft’s operating systems group confirmed the availability date of July 29th. Here’s a link to the blog post.

Word to the wise, you might want to time that purchase closer to July 29th just to save yourself some grief.