“Patch Tuesday” is the unofficial term the Microsoft world uses for the security releases that Microsoft sends out via Microsoft Update or Automatic Update, typically on the second and sometimes fourth Tuesday nights of the month .” Patch Tuesday” is often followed by “Exploit Wednesday”. Many exploitation events are seen shortly after the release of a patch.This is because analysis of the patch helps exploitation developers to immediately exploit the previously unknown underlying vulnerability. The vulnerability is then used on unpatched systems. Hence the term “Exploit Wednesday” was coined.
The main things to remember about “Patch Tuesday”: are:
- Since the Tuesday updates are the accumulation of all the past security updates from the previous fifteen to thirty days, keeping things up to date is even more important. This includes your anti-virus and malware protection. Until the update happens, they are all you’ve got!
- DON’t TURN OFF AUTOMATIC UPDATES! Though sometimes imperfect , it’s all we’ve got to protect us.
- Don’t power off your machine when you are through using it. The best time to update anti-virus software is in the middle of the night. Updates can be disruptive to your work so let them happen when you aren’t trying to work.
- Sometimes Microsoft requires a reboot to complete an update. NEVER turn off or reboot while updates are being processed. The machine tells you this during the process but people who are in a hurry to do something still disregard the warning. Turning the machine off and back on in the middle of an update will cause you to not be able to work (or update Facebook) and usually results in a service call. (Here we go talking ourselves out of money again!)
- Sometimes there are unintended consequences from updates. Occasionally, they cause hangups , slow performance and even worse problems. Call your favorite IT person (205-588-4065) if you experience issues after an update.
Although Microsoft started “Patch Tuesday” to save money on operational costs, the system works pretty well and keeps us well protected IF YOU FOLLOW THESE FEW COMMON SENSE SUGGESTIONS.